How Much Does An Average Solar Panel Cost In Australia

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How Much Does An Average Solar Panel Cost In Australia

solar panel Sizes and prices, How Much Does An Average Solar Panel Cost In Australia

In recent years, Australia has emerged as a frontrunner in the global shift towards sustainable energy solutions, with an increasing number of homeowners and businesses opting for solar power. As the sun-drenched continent witnesses a surge in interest in renewable energy, Understanding the cost dynamics of solar panels is key for individuals seeking to harness the power of the sun while making an informed financial decision. We will explore the various types of solar panels available in the Australian market, from monocrystalline to polycrystalline below.

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What Is The Average Cost Of A Solar Panel In Australia?

Depending on how much energy your home requires, yes. When the federal tax credit is taken into account, roof-mounted systems that don’t experience problems (such as rotting roofs, old shingles, or unstable rafters) usually cost roughly $4 per watt installed. Therefore, after deducting the 26% federal tax credit, the sticker price of a 5kW system might be $20k.

Types of Solar Panels

Making educated decisions requires an understanding of the many types of solar panels. Solar panels are mostly of three sorts. Namely, they are:

  • Monocrystalline panels boast high efficiency and a sleek design, making them ideal for smaller spaces.
  • Polycrystalline panels: Another solar panel types that offer a cost-effective alternative with good performance.
  • Thin-film panels, which are characterized by flexibility, are suitable for unique installations and applications.

Prices Of Solar Power Systems In Australia

per your income you can choose any of the three prices mentioned below;

1.5kW Solar System

  • Cost $3,700
  • Government Rebate $1,200
  • You Pay $2,500

3.0kW Solar System

  • Cost $6,900
  • Government Rebate $2,400
  • You Pay $4,500

5.0kW Solar System

  • Cost $11,000
  • Government Rebate $4,000
  • You Pay $7,000


How much money will I save each year if I install solar panels In Australia

The lifetime savings for a certain system are shown in the following table along with the yearly savings for each system size.

System size          No. of panels      Average yearly saving     Lifetime Saving

1.5KW………………………. 6…………………………..$690………………………. $15,525

2KW……………………….. 8 ……………………………$986 ……………………….$22,185

3KW………………………. 12………………………….. $1,478…………………….. $33,255

4KW……………………… 16…………………………… $1,971…………………….. $44,437

5KW…………………….. 20…………………………… $2,364……………………. $53,190

6KW………………………24………………………….. $2,981……………………… $67,072

7KW……………………..28 ………………………….$3,565………………………. $80,212

8KW……………………. 32…………………………. $3,952……………………… $88,920

READ ALSO; Solar Panel Cost With Installation

Reasons Why Australian Citizens Have To Use Solar Energy

Reasons why embracing solar panels in Australia is a smart and eco-friendly decision.

  • Abundant Sunshine:

Australia boasts some of the highest solar radiation levels globally, making it an ideal environment for harnessing solar power. With an abundance of sunshine throughout the year, solar panels can efficiently convert sunlight into clean and renewable energy, offering a consistent and reliable power source for your home or business.

  • Reduced Electricity Bills:

One of the most enticing aspects of solar panel installation is the potential for significant cost savings. By generating your own electricity, you can slash your reliance on the grid and, consequently, reduce your monthly electricity bills. In Australia, where electricity prices can fluctuate, investing in solar panels provides a stable and predictable energy cost, protecting you from future price hikes.

  • Government Incentives and Rebates:

The Australian government actively supports the transition to renewable energy, offering various incentives and rebates to encourage the adoption of solar panels. Programs like the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) and feed-in tariffs make solar panel installation more affordable, providing financial incentives for homeowners and businesses to make the switch.

  • Environmentally Friendly:

Reducing your carbon footprint is a crucial step towards a sustainable future. Solar panels produce clean energy without emitting harmful greenhouse gases, contributing to the fight against climate change. By choosing solar, you actively participate in building a greener and more environmentally conscious Australia.

  • Energy Independence:

With solar panels, you gain a degree of energy independence. By generating your power, you become less reliant on traditional energy sources, reducing vulnerability to power outages and supply disruptions. This independence empowers you to take control of your energy usage and contribute to a more resilient energy infrastructure.

  • Increased Property Value:

Investing in solar panels can enhance the value of your property. As sustainability becomes a more significant factor in property evaluations, a solar panel installation can make your home or business more attractive to eco-conscious buyers. It’s a forward-thinking investment that pays off both in the short and long term.

The free energy on the roof will benefit new owners or tenants, which will raise the value of the property and boost the potential rental income when a high-quality solar power system is installed.

For details, click HERE

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